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Here We Go-Licensed Library Media Specialist

So I may or may not have let this little book review blog fall off the face of the earth for about 2 years. When I started this website, I was a couple of months into my first semester of my Master's program with my first child on the way. Now, she is getting ready to turn 2 (*cries*), and I finished my Master's degree last month. I am now a certified School Library Media Specialist!

Hallelujah! Because completing this program while raising a baby/toddler has been quite the experience.

Now comes the hard part...deciding what to do. The month before I graduated, I was presented with a potential job as a elementary/middle school librarian. I knew the principal there and it seemed like the perfect foot-in-the-door situation. But for some reason, I was not as excited as I should have been. I think part of me was discouraged that I would not have the opportunity to promote young adult literature like I wanted to. Of course, there would be 6th-8th grade to work with, but there would also be a limit to what I could offer. I was also informed that the librarian would be responsible for some RTI classes. Since I do not have a background in teaching, the thought of teaching those type of classes terrified me. I ended up passing on an interview for the position. Some people have told me that would have been the perfect opportunity to get my name in with the school system, but I just couldn't do it. I have a stable job (that I have been in for several years now) with co-workers that I love, and I just couldn't give that up for the potential of a job I did not feel 100% invested in.

Young Adult literature is my passion. The perfect place for me would be in a high school library connecting students with literature that could possibly transform them in a way they never knew possible. But for now, I am happy to continue my current position and maybe do a little book reviewing on the side.

Let's try this again

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